March 20, 2012

March 20, 2012
Welcome to our mission in Missouri

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

April 18, 2012 Missouri Skies

One of the extrodinary events that occurs daily,
and constantly changing are the Missouri Skies,
storm fronts come in and leave, sometimes with moisture,
but most the time they just blow over.  And the Sunrise and Sunsets
are just spectacular, so this post has many photos taken over a period of
days. Just breath taking.

East End Overlook, looking out towards the bend in
the Grand River

We have two bulls, that our in the pasture by the
4-plex, today this bull was watching me walk up
the road to take more photo's.

View looking out of the 4 plex down towards the
valley of Adam-ondi-Ahman

When the Amish need a ride somewhere far away,
they can ride as a passanger in a car, so they park
their horse and buggy.

This photo reminded me of the Sacred Grove
with the light reflecting through the tree's

This looked like a quilt of clouds

We came out of the work center on Thursday
April 19th to this fun site,
I called it the Missouri Ribbon.

1 comment:

  1. Those are absolutely beautiful Pam. I love the Bull watching you, I could imagine you standing there telling the Bull to smile or saying something to him.
